viernes, septiembre 08, 2006

Definición de conceptos

Bitmap images 1—technically called raster images—are made up of a grid of dots known as pixels. Bitmap images are the most common electronic medium for continuous-tone images, such as photographs or digital paintings, because they can represent subtle gradations of shades and color.

Bit depth 2—also called pixel depth or color depth—measures how much color information is available for displaying or printing each pixel in an image. Greater bit depth (more bits of information per pixel) means more available colors and more accurate color representation in the digital image. For example, a pixel with a bit depth of 1 has two possible values: black and white. A pixel with a bit depth of 8 has 28, or 256, possible values. And a pixel with a bit depth of 24 has 224, or roughly 16 million, possible values. Common values for bit depth range from 1 to 64 bits per pixel.

Como citar 3 o realizar referencias de internet o ayudas de programas.

1. Adobe System. Adobe Help Center. 1.0.0. Copyright © 2005 Adobe System Incorporated.

2. Adobe System. Adobe Help Center. 1.0.0. Copyright © 2005 Adobe System Incorporated.

3. Autor. Título del documento. Dirección electrónica completa. fecha de consulta o publicación